EY - Shedding light on France's attractiveness

Case Studies

Shedding light on France's attractiveness
  • 2022
  • Editorial consulting

  • Content strategy

  • Event coverage

EY - baromètre d'attractivité
EY - baromètre d'attractivité - print

The request

Summary of France 2022 Attractiveness Barometer
EY asked us to work on putting the findings of the Baromètre de l'attractivité de la France 2022 into perspective.
EY - baromètre d'attractivité - synthèse

Lessons from The "Baromètre de l'attractivité de la France 2022"

We designed a video program highlighting the key points of the Baromètre de l'attractivité de la France. In collaboration with EY's marketing teams, we designed a series of cross-interviews: CEOs of major international groups and EY associates discuss one of the Barometer's key findings. Our role was to problematize each exchange and identify the story each group was able to tell.

Scope of work: Story Jungle conducted the preparatory interviews, defined the issues for each discussion and drew up the scripts. This was a purely editorial consultancy job, and the barometer's release was organized as an event.
EY - baromètre d'attractivité - la france rejoint la tête du classement européen

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