LinkedIn Newsletter :
Develop your influence, establish your leadership

Newsletters LinkedIn: Develop your influence, establish your leadership

The LinkedIn newsletter lets you showcase your vision, initiatives and successes to both internal and external targets.

Turn your page's followers into committed subscribers, who will be notified of each edition on the closed screen of their smartphone.  Story Jungle supports you from start to finish, from conception to production of the first edition (or more).  
LinkedIn Newsletter


Reach all your corporate targets and make sure your messages are well received

Publishing on LinkedIn is invaluable for spreading your messages to all your corporate targets, but a very small fraction of your followers are actually made aware of your posts (even if you boost them). What's more, some of your messages are more important than others, and a simple post can't distinguish between them.

The LinkedIn newsletter is not just another newsletter. It's an absolutely strategic tool for disseminating your key messages: its hyper-efficient distribution levers, with a high open rate and click-through rate, make it the most widely-read content, the most commented on and the most reaction-generating among both your external and internal audiences.

Market Insights

24 H
That's how long it takes to convert 10% to 15% of your followers into subscribers after sending your first issue, whatever the size of your community.
(Source: LinkedIn, confirmed by Story Jungle)
The number of distribution channels for your LinkedIn newsletter: on the smartphone's closed screen, by email, by LinkedIn notification and by broadcast in the feed.
100 %
This is the proportion of subscribers who will receive your newsletter (compared to the 3 to 5% of your followers who are exposed to your posts in their feed).

Why call on our expertise ?

LinkedIn expertise
We are one of only 12 LinkedIn partners worldwide, and the only one in France!
newsletter LinkedIn Jungle
We produce a newsletter 100% dedicated to LinkedIn, with over 10,000 professional subscribers.
Story Jungle designs LinkedIn newsletter of several CAC40 groups
We design and write newsletters for the main pages of several CAC 40 groups.

These companies have put their trust in us

Like them, give power to your messages and take advantage of the best distribution format on LinkedIn.

BNP paribas

Empower your messages with the LinkedIn newsletter

At Story Jungle, our mission is to work with you to imagine and create intelligent content that stands out from the timeline.

That's why we help you launch and, if you wish, produce the various editions of your LinkedIn newsletter.

To do this, we've devised an original and now well-proven methodology.
  • Convert 10% to 15% of your followers into subscribers in 24 hours.
  • Reach 100% of your subscribers (not 3-5% as with conventional posts).
  • Produce powerful content once a month that speaks to all your targets, including internal ones.
  • Gain influence and share of voice on LinkedIn.

Our support

Editorial Design

Editorial Design

Story Jungle helps you design and position your LinkedIn newsletter. We'll help you define original content with a true serial logic (name, baseline, positioning, headings, graphics, etc.). We'll then help you produce the first edition.


With over 10 years' experience as a mobile-first newsletter publisher, we can also help you produce your newsletters at the pace determined during the design phase.


What is a LinkedIn newsletter?

The LinkedIn newsletter is a format launched in early 2022 and based on the LinkedIn Articles functionality, with the added declaration of recurrence (daily, weekly, fortnightly or monthly). LinkedIn members have the option of subscribing. The various editions will then be sent to them by email, in notifications and published in the feed.

I already have a newsletter, why create a LinkedIn newsletter?

To benefit from the powerful distribution mechanisms of this format. For example, alerts on the closed smartphone screen generate a high open rate (and therefore an audience, reactions and comments).

How often should I publish a LinkedIn newsletter?

You can follow one of these rhythms: daily, weekly, fortnightly, monthly. We recommend monthly.

How many newsletters can I launch?

Recently, LinkedIn increased the number of newsletters a company page can launch to 5.

Who can launch LinkedIn newsletters?

All profiles, including Company profiles.

Can members also launch a LinkedIn newsletter?

Yes, if they meet certain conditions. In particular, they must have activated the creator mode

Can I promote my LinkedIn newsletter?

While there isn't yet an ad hoc format for promoting your LinkedIn newsletter via LinkedIn Ads, there are a number of techniques for doing so. By the way, it's always cheaper to generate a subscriber than a lead via lead generation forms. The LinkedIn newsletter serves as a very good first step in discovering your business.

Can I retrieve the email addresses of subscribers to my LinkedIn newsletter?

No. However, it will soon be possible to target your subscribers in your advertising campaigns. At Story Jungle, we've found that the conversion costs of members who have already subscribed to your LinkedIn newsletter are much lower than those of members who haven't yet done so.

How can Story Jungle help me?

Throughout the entire design/production/editorial cycle of your LinkedIn newsletters. And in several European languages.

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