Story Junge case studies : find out about our most recent case studies

Story Jungle case studies
Find out about our most recent case studies, the issues faced by our customers and the expertise deployed to address them:

Cas clients Story Jungle
Orange Business Services - The Cloud Native Society
In a world marked by the ever-increasing speed of innovation, adopting a native cloud strategy is a necessity if you want to stay ahead of the game. Orange Business wanted to decipher the challenges of this approach, highlight its unique network of hyper-scaler partners and share feedback.
French tech : Attracting talent to France and promoting the French startup ecosystem internationally
Business France and French Tech needed to design two campaigns: 1/ a campaign to attract international talent to France, and 2/ the presentation of French success stories at the World Expo in Dubai.
Capgemini: LinkedIn lives series
The Capgemini Group and several of its entities regularly engage in conversations with their markets in the form of LinkedIn Lives. These virtual and sometimes in-person live events include Capgemini experts, customers and sometimes market experts from all regions of the world.
EY - Shedding light on France's attractiveness
EY asked us to work on putting the findings of the Baromètre de l'attractivité de la France 2022 into perspective.
Capgemini COP 27 : Future Is Now!
Positioning Capgemini at the heart of COP 27
Generali - Editorial charter, narratives and employer brand
After defining its brand platform around the concept of "lifetime partner", Generali France contacted us to place the new brand promises at the heart of all content produced by all the subsidiary's entities, for all its target audiences.
BNP paribas - A content factory at VivaTech
BNP Paribas wanted innovative coverage of their presence at Vivatech on social networks, during the Vivatech 2019, 2021 and 2022 events.
French Tech - A force to be reckoned with on the international stage
French Tech, a sector brand of Business France, actively participates in numerous international events

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Accenture - Digital transformation by those who make it happen
Accenture wished to address a population of decision-makers via the media of the Les Echos group, as part of a special operation led by Les Echos Média. In this context, Story Jungle was asked to design, produce and provide content for a content platform published on