LinkedIn Live :
engage your audiences in conversation

LinkedIn Live is THE solution for engaging your professional community (it generates 24 times more comments on average than a traditional video).

Awareness, consideration, lead generation: Live LinkedIn enables you to work the whole funnel.

At Story Jungle, we've designed and produced over 150 LinkedIn lives for various brands since the launch of this feature.  
live linkedin


LinkedIn Live : awareness, consideration, lead generation... work on your entire funnel.

Emerging on LinkedIn is becoming increasingly difficult. Not only your competitors, but also numerous brands from other sectors are trying to capture your targets' attention. You need to be able to break through the noise of the timelines.

Live on LinkedIn enables you to offer a memorable and highly interactive experience to your audience. By capitalizing on this live format, you can showcase your expertise, build your audience's trust and create a real connection with them.

However, setting up a LinkedIn live requires strategic support (to skillfully plan the live event), tactical support (to fill the event page) and technical support (to... not crash it). Story Jungle's experience in producing LinkedIn Lives is simply unrivaled on the market.

Insights marché

LinkedIn lives generate an average of 24 times more comments than a traditional video
(Source: LinkedIn)
45 mn
This is the average attention span (stable) captured via LinkedIn lives.
(Source: Story Jungle)
100 %
LinkedIn lives enable you to work 100% of your funnel: awareness, consideration, lead generation.

Why use Story Jungle ?

LinkdIn expertise
We're one of only 12 LinkedIn partners worldwide, and the only one in France!
150 LinkedIn Lives
We've produced over 150 LinkedIn lives with various brands since the launch of this format. from editorial design to live production
live production and marketing
We offer complete support for your LinkedIn Live, from editorial design to live production and marketing.

These companies have put their trust in us

Comme ces entreprises, engagez la conversation avec vos audiences.

BNP paribas
Orange Business Services

Access the full conversational power of LinkedIn

LinkedIn has evolved into a truly conversational platform.

Drive the conversation in your market via the most effective format: LinkedIn Live.

Story Jungle will support you throughout the entire project, from editorial conception to marketing plan, animation and technical production of the live event.

  • Make the most of your live events and engage your audiences in discussion.

  • Emerge on LinkedIn through a structurally effective format.

  • Chat with your audiences, answer their questions live.

  • Demonstrate your expertise in the live debate, via your experts or executives.

  • Generate leads before and after the Live, leveraging the replay, via pre-filled forms.

Our support for LinkedIn lives

Ideation, editorial design

Ideation, editorial design

We help you design your live event: angle, guests, lineup & agenda.
Marketing plan, media coverage

Marketing plan, media coverage

We work with you to design an effective campaign to recruit your audience (organic posts, mailings, LinkedIn Ads...).
Animation du live

Live event coordination

We carry out the technical tests with the guests. Then we produce the live show with a redundant Internet connection. We take care of production (video and sound mixing, synthesizers, inserts, etc.).
Streaming, live broadcasting

Streaming, live broadcasting

We can provide live moderation by a journalist specialized in conducting live debates. In French, English and other languages.
Live & studio recording

Live & studio recording

For in-person live events, we provide live recording and production. If required, we can also provide a studio for live recording.


What is LinkedIn Live?

LinkedIn Live is a LinkedIn feature that allows members and Company Pages to broadcast live video content and interact with their professional community. It can be used to broadcast live events, panels, interviews or actual broadcasts.

Why should my company use LinkedIn Live?

LinkedIn Live enables your company to engage your audience interactively, humanize your brand, share information in real time and reinforce your credibility as an expert in your field. And of course, generate leads via pre-filled LinkedIn forms.

Can all company pages distribute LinkedIn lives?

There are certain conditions for accessing this feature, but LinkedIn has considerably relaxed its constraints. If your page has been in existence for some time and has more than 150 subscribers, you can produce them.

How does it work?

To broadcast a LinkedIn live, you need a third-party application from among those selected by LinkedIn. You'll also need a large, stable bandwidth (otherwise your live stream will be dropped). Story Jungle's technical support includes both these elements.

Is it possible to moderate questions and comments during the live session?

Yes, with the standard feature for deleting comments on LinkedIn. You'll need one or more people dedicated to moderating your lives.

What type of content should my company broadcast on LinkedIn Live?

Your company can broadcast any content relevant to your audience, such as conferences, product demonstrations, expert panels, company announcements, Q&A sessions and more.

Are there any costs associated with using LinkedIn Live for my business?

While LinkedIn Live itself is free, there may be costs associated with using third-party live streaming software and producing high-quality content.

Does LinkedIn Live allow my company to target a specific audience?

Yes, you can promote your live broadcast to a targeted audience using LinkedIn's targeting tools: invitations from the event page or ads on LinkedIn.

How can my company measure the success of our LinkedIn Live broadcasts?

LinkedIn provides analytics for LinkedIn Live, including viewership, comments, reactions and other engagement metrics. This data can help your company understand how to optimize future live broadcasts.

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