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Find out about our interviews and lives
Story Jungle carries out interviews with players in the fields of marketing, media, and more broadly operating in the world of content.
Find out about our interviews and lives

“Print is a niche medium for older people. Like Twitch or TikTok, but for retirees”

“Print is a niche medium for older people. Like Twitch or TikTok, but for retirees”
The Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism has published its annual Digital News Report and the good news is that 44% of respondents believe they trust the media, six points more than last year. Based on a panel of 46 countries, the 164-page study examines the relationship between the media and consumers. We discussed the main points of the Digital News Report with two of the study's authors: Rasmus Nielsen, Director of the Reuters Institute and Nic Newman, Senior Research Associate at the Reuters Institute.
Rasmus Nielsen,
Director of the Reuters Institute

“People are just really exhausted by Twitter and so Discord offers a slightly more intimate way to socialize online”

“People are just really exhausted by Twitter and so Discord offers a slightly more intimate way to socialize online”
According to Forbes, it's "the most original media experience of the year." Led by Casey Newton, eight freelance tech journalists have launched their own virtual newsroom on Discord, an audio-based platform popular with gamers, whose use has diversified with the pandemic. Entitled Sidechannel, the Discord server is an embryonic newsroom. On the app, subscribers can chat with each other, attend live exclusive interviews. This improved Slack was launched in parallel with the paid newsletters of each of the creators. Ryan Broderick, a journalist specializing in web culture and the head of Sidechannel, talks to us about the origin of the project.
Ryan Broderick,
Writer of the newsletter "Garbage Day"

Where has all the creativity in B2B gone?

Where has all the creativity in B2B gone?
Why is B2B marketing so flat and lacking in creativity? That was the question we asked Jon Lombardo, Global Lead at the LinkedIn B2B Institute. We chatted about how to resuscitate B2B marketing, how to put creativity back into the heart of content, which brands are succeeding and why it's so important not to fear failure.
Jon Lombardo,
Global Lead, The B2B Institute

“The audience is seeing the evidence for themselves”

“The audience is seeing the evidence for themselves”
Every single one of their investigations is a sensation. The New York Times' Visual Investigations team specializes in fact-checking using open source data available on the Web. Created in 2017, the team has already won a Pulitzer Prize in 2020. Malachy Brown, Senior Producer of Visual Investigations at the NYT, gave Story Jungle a behind-the-scenes glimpse of how their investigations are put together and some good advice for anyone keen to get into visual investigations themselves.
Malachy Browne,
Senior Producer, Visual Investigations at The New York Times.

“Amid the current situation, it’s about adopting a humble communication style”

“Amid the current situation, it’s about adopting a humble communication style”
How do you communicate amid the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic when you're a large multinational such as Renault? What impact has the crisis had on the communications approach? What channels do you favour to connect with a young audience that wants "snackable content"? These are the questions we asked Emmanuel Guinot, Head of Campaigns, Content
Emmanuel Guinot,
Head of Campaigns, Content & Digital at Groupe Renault

“Content quality will be a distinguishing factor in the long term”

“Content quality will be a distinguishing factor in the long term”
Today, 37% of B2B decision-makers have already bought a product or service after finding out about it through content on social media. In three out of four cases, the person wasn't in contact with the company before seeing the content. This is just one of the findings of the third edition of the Social Selling Barometer published in July. The study, which involved surveying 650 B2B professionals in France between February and March 2020, was carried out by La Poste Solutions Business and the agency Intuiti's UserLab. Story Jungle discussed social selling in the digital era with one of the Barometer's contributors: Franck Chenet of Antalis.
Franck Chenet,
Group Digital Transformation & Communication Director at Antalis

Le Monde newspaper has turned to TikTok: and it works!

Le Monde newspaper has turned to TikTok: and it works!
"The news in a basic, simple form, and with music". Since 15 June 2020, Le Monde newspaper has been active on TikTok, the most downloaded application of 2019, with informative and fun videos. It's a channel that is being used to reach a new audience, Generation Z, who often don't know this venerable daily newspaper.
Laetitia Béraud,
Video Journalist for Le on Discover

“Sharing informative content is a first step”

“Sharing informative content is a first step”
Brands have been positioning themselves behind the Black Lives Matter movement for days now. Many of them participated in "Blackout Tuesday" by blacking out their social media account pages with black squares in a sign of solidarity with the protesters. Sincerity or opportunism? Stéphanie Laporte, Director of social media agency OTTA, shares her views.
Stéphanie Laporte,
Director of social media agency OTTA

“My remit, as a journalist for the BBC, is to reach new and underserved audiences”

“My remit, as a journalist for the BBC, is to reach new and underserved audiences”
The BBC World Service is innovating. The English-language channel released its first Instagram documentary, part of a new push to attract and engage younger audiences. The 10-minute vertical video, titled The Instagram witches of Brooklyn, takes us on a journey through the spiritual movement of "brujeria" (an Afro-Latina term meaning witchcraft) that has gained additional visibility thanks to Instagram. BBC director and journalist Sophia Smith Galer discusses the appeal of the platform. With a big following on TikTok (78,000 subscribers), she also tells us about the growing importance of the Chinese app in disseminating information.
Sophia Smith Galer,
Journaliste à la BBC

“Newsletters bring a large audience to our content.”

“Newsletters bring a large audience to our content.”
Winner of the Albert Londres Prize in 2001 for his work in Iran, former Deputy Editor-in-Chief at Le Temps, former Deputy Director of Le Monde, and founder of Bondy Blog, journalist Serge Michel recently co-founded, a new Swiss media outlet. The online publication is structured around topics (or "flux"), containing easily digestible mini articles; investigations (or "explorations"), spread out over several episodes; and a daily newsletter, the cornerstone of the media platform. Serge Michel talks to Story Jungle about the importance of having formats that complement each other, about thinking of newsletters as a full media outlet in their own right, and about the "standardisation of articles" in general.
Serge Michel,
Executive editor and co-founder